Dr. Hong Yue LIU, Registered Acupuncturist.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a medical system that has been used for thousands of years to prevent,diagnose and treat disease.
TCM includes acupuncture, diet,herbal therapy,meditation,physical exercise and cupping, etc.It works on the belief that qi (the body's vital energy) flows along meridians(channels)in the body and keeps a person's spiritual,emotional,mental and physical
health in balance.
A Chinese professional Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) doctor reqires five years of university study, Through this time,the student becomes familiar with ancient Chinese medicine classical theory and culture,coupled with modern medical curriculum and human anatomy.
Professional Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) doctor in China require long-term residency experience including outpatient physician experience, independent duty and treatment of the disease. They also require study an independent prescription and inspection ward experience.
China, a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) doctor in the large Chinese medicine hospitals increases their knowledge of the practice Chinese Medicine with the application of acupuncture and the use of Chinese herbs.my clinic is based on the fundamentals of
Chinese Medicine learned through my 30-plus years of experience of working in large Chinese TCM hospitals as a TCM physician.
My acupuncture and TCM clinic is in a quiet professional office building, there is plenty of 2 hrs free street parking in front of the building and we are located next to the bus stop.
Welcome! I wish you health and longevity!
我的针灸和中药诊所舒适整洁,门前街边免费 2hrs停车,比邻公交车站。
Address: #6,41 Chelsea St NW
Calgary, AB T2K 1P1
Tel: (403)338-9742
Pay by credit card, debit card and cash . direct billing is available.